Frequently Asked Questions by my past and future clients:
Q: What can you do for my business?
A: After an initial 1 to 2-hour no cost, no obligation consultation in which I assess a ‘quick review’ of your business, I can outline specific items requiring immediate attention. Items for concern can range from general accounting policy and procedures, to financial reporting and more.
Q: Can you identify all areas causing issues within the financial operations of my business during your initial consultation?
A: Not always. While some business owners engage me for specific issues there are other cases where the owner is not sure of why the company is experiencing financial issues. In those cases, a Financial Physical (FP) is recommended in order to obtain specifics about the various issues. This FP is a flat fee-based, on-site assessment of your business, which consists of discussing all the financial aspects of your business with all employees involved in the operations. With your FP, I will complete a written report that is then presented to your management outlining strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for improving the various areas within your company. My on-site visits are generally a two- to three-day visit, with your report being produced within 3 to 5 business days. This report is presented “in-person” to allow for questions and discussions of the issues and recommendations.
Q: What if my bookkeeper feels threatened or is uncooperative?
A: In almost all instances the bookkeeper is naturally cautious of an evaluation of their abilities and processes, and sometimes suspicious of intent. In my process I will assure the various people involved that I am not there to criticize, belittle, or replace them with another bookkeeper or take their job. Instead, I assure them that the process is being implemented to assist them in the work they currently provide on a regular basis.
Q: What are your rates?
A: Rates vary depending on the service provided, length of engagement and other factors. Rates are either hourly or per engagement.
Contact Dan for more in-depth questions or to schedule an appointment.